Quality Childcare at 
HMS Collingwood 
Food & Nutrition 
At Woodentots Nursery we pride ourselves on being a healthy eating nursery and providing children with a healthy balanced diet is very important to us. Children enjoy a range of healthy meals which they often help to prepare. All food at the nursery is freshly cooked on the premises, using fresh and local produce. 
To ensure we meet the needs of the children we request that all allergies and special dietary requirements are brought to the attention of management at the time of registration. Any specific dietary requirements can be catered for and alternatives to the set menu will be offered. 
Meals are carefully planned to cover the full range of nutrients required by young children. The menus are rotated on a three weekly basis and are reviewed each term. Mealtimes are an important and pleasurable part of our day. We strive to make this an enjoyable unhurried occasion, encouraging social skills and table manners. Children are encouraged to try new foods and serve themselves as appropriate to their age and development stage. 
We work in close collaboration with parents during the weaning stage to ensure we know the foods each child likes or dislikes and take their preferences into account whilst still encouraging new foods. For babies who are being weaned we work with parents as they move from pureed to lumpy to solid foods. 
Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day in each room to ensure the children are well hydrated. Please see below for examples of our menus. 
Winter Menu 
Summer Menu 
Weaning Menu